History of Shab e Mairaj (THE NIGHT JOURNEY)
Quran, (17:1).. "Glorious is He Who made his servant travel by night from Al-Masjid-ul-Haram to Al-Masjid-ul-Aqsa of which environs We have blessed, so that We let him see some of Our signs. Surely, He is the All-Hearing, the All- Seeing."
The word Isra is referred to as "walking in night" and the root word of Miraj is Arooj which means; "going to a higher place". During this blessed night, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) journeyed to sky level to meet Allah (Glorious is He), and for this particular reason in Islamic history this journey is recognized to be as "The night of Isra and Miraj".
In research we may come across few different sayings on the period of the journey however the most accepted saying that when Miraj happened is 1 year before Migrating toward Madina, (some saying may state 2 or even 3 years before migrating). Similarly the most accepted saying on the day/month of the journey is 27th Rajab, However some sayings will state 17th Rabi ul Awal, 27th Rabi ul Awal, 29th Ramadan, 17th Rabi us Sani, Shawal and Zil Haj.
As little as one year before his (peace be upon him) exodus from Makka to Madina, on the 27th night of Rajab, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a unique and exclusive experience in the history of all religions. The Prophet (peace be upon him) accompanied by Angel Jabreel and Makail was taken for Night Journey-(ISRA) from Makka to Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. And then to Sidra Tul Muntaha and then Qaab Qosain and beyond.
1. FROM AL HARAM TO AL AQSA MOSQUEProphet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) was resting in Hateem e Qaba along with Hazrat Hamza and one other companion when angel Jabreel along with angel Makail came and woke him up, Prophet Muhammad saw around him but saw no one so he lay back, Jabreel woke him up again, He saw no one again and lay back. Third time Jabreel hold his hand wake him up and told him that Allah (Glorious is He) has invited him (peace be upon him) and wants to meet him.
(In Rooh al Maani 5:15, narrated by Malik bin Sausaa rz, hijar is mentioned as the resting place of Prophet Muhammad, and in another hadith Hateem is mentioned)
After that Angel took Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the well of ZamZam, there Jabreel (as) said Makail (as) to give him a tray and water from the well of Zamzam, so that he can wash the chest of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon Him),. After these things were provided, Jabreel (as) revealed Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) chest and washed His heart three times. In this process Makail (as) provided tray's of zamzam water 7 times. There was no bleeding and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) didn't even feel any pain. (Note: 4 times in His life, Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) heart was washed). After washing his heart, Makail (as) brought along a tray of gold which was filled with Faith and Hiqmat and Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon Him) chest was filled with it. In completion to this the stamp of Prophet Hood was placed between His shoulders.
After that a white, horse like animal was brought as his ride, which was bridled and saddled. It was smaller then a Mole and bigger then a donkey. Its name was Burraq. It showed some resistance, and Jibreel (as) said, “Will you do that with Muhammad? No one nobler than he in Allah’s sight has ridden you.” That brought it perspiration.So Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) rode him and the journey began. Burraq was very speedy that The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The animal's step (was so wide that it) reached the furthest point within the reach of the animal's sight. Jabreel (as) and Makail (as) were at the right and left side of Burraq. Some times during the journey, Jabreel (as) shared the ride with Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon Him).
Before reaching Bait ul Muqdas in Jerusalem, Jabreel (as) took Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) to a green valley and said, "Come down and say prayer here". Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) performed prayer as requested and after that Jabreel (as) said "Do you know where you said the prayer?". Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) said "No". Jabreel (as) said "you said prayer in Madina which is your place of migration".
Then Jabreel (as) took Him to some other place and requested the same thing and after prayer he told Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) that this time you said prayer in Madeen (The town where Prophet Mosa (as) lived).
Then Jabreel (as) took him on yet another place and said the same thing. And after prayer he told Him that "this time you said prayer in "Bait ul Laham" (Bait ul Laham is a town near Bait ul Muqdas where Prophet Isa (as) was born). After that they continued their journey toward al Aqsa mosque.
On their way toward al Aqsa mosque, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed by the grave of Prophet Mosa (as). He was saying prayer in His grave. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that he had curly hair like the people of Shanva tribe (Shanva was a tribe of Yaman). Then they reached Al Aqsa Mosque. On reaching al Aqsa mosque, Jibril gestured with his finger. So, he made (thereby) a hole in a stone and tied the Buraq to it.” Burraq was tide on the door of the mosque with the same tie bar that Prophets before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to tie their rides. After some time Jabreel (as) said to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) that "you are not among those who's ride will stand outside the doors. Instead Your ride will stand inside" and then he brought Burraq inside the mosque.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) entered al Aqsa mosque from the door called Baab e Muhammad. Inside the mosque, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) met some Prophets, The call for prayer was said by Jabreel (as) and all the Prophets made rows (like people do for prayers) and were waiting to see that who will lead the prayer. At that moment Jabreel (as) held the hand of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and sent him forward so that he will lead the prayer. So Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) led that prayer. During the prayer, Prophet Ibraheem (as) was standing right behind Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him). On the right side of Prophet Ibraheem (as) was standing Prophet Ismaeel (as) and on left side was standing Prophet Ishaaq (as).
After prayer, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) praised Allah and then addressed all the Prophets in these words ..."You all have praised Allah, now i will praise my Rabb! All praises and oneness belongs to Allah who made me mercy for all the worlds, the one who tells good news and to scare people from Allah's punishment. And I am given The Quran in which every thing is mentioned and My ummah (community) is made better and moderate (balanced). And its My ummah (community) which is the first one and the last one (first ummah to enter paradise in the day of judgment and last as there will be no new ummah after). And He (Allah) opened My heart and took away My burden and raised (made blissful) my remembrance. Made me victorious and the finisher."After that Prophet Ibraheem (as) addressed like "It feels like Muhammad Rasool Allah exceeded us all in Superiority"
(Al-Shifa by Qazi Ayyaz rz)
After prayer, Jabreel (as) along with Angle Malik (the keeper of hell) came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and introduced Malik to Him and said "This is Malik, say Salam to him", and when Prophet Muhammad look toward him (Malik), he said Salam first". Every prophet and angle was smiling when meeting Prophet Muhammad but Malik. Prophet Muhammad asked Jabreel (as) that "Whats the reason that who ever I have met has greeted me with a smile and welcomed me but this person replied to my greets and welcomed me with prayers but didn't smile?" Jabreel(as) replied "He is Malik! the keeper of hell, from the day he is born till now, he never smiled. And if he would smile then you were the only person he would smile for".
On the place called "Aliyea" Two cups, one containing wine and the other milk, were presented to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at Jerusalem. He looked at it and took the cup of milk. Jabreel said, "Praise be to Allah Who guided you to Al-Fitra (the right path); if you had taken (the cup of) wine, your nation would have gone astray."
The 2nd part of journey commenced.
After al Aqsa mosque, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) along with Jabreel (as) began their journey towards the skies. Among many doors of first sky they reached on the door named "Baab ul Hifza", which is guarded by an angel named Ismaeel. (Note: This angel stepped on earth only one time when he came with angel Jabreel (as) to visit Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) before his death). (Note: The door known as "Masad ul Malaiq" of first heaven is in front of Al Aqsa Mosque).
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "When I reached the 1st heaven. Jabreel said to the heaven gate-keeper, 'Open the gate.' The gatekeeper asked, 'Who is it?' He said, 'Jabreel.' The gate-keeper,' Who is accompanying you?' Jabreel said, 'Muhammad.' The gate-keeper said, 'Has he been called?' Jabreel said, 'Yes.' Then it was said, 'He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!'. (Tafseer Al-Baghvi, 3:93)
Then I met Adam and greeted him and he said, 'You are welcomed O pious son and a Prophet.' Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) addressed him as grand father. Prophet Adam's (as) appearance was the same as the day Allah created him (means too beautiful).
The name of 1st sky is Rafi' (رفیع) and its Water Colored.
Then they ascended to the second heaven. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Jabreel said, 'Jabreel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said, 'Muhammad' It was asked, 'Has he been sent for?' He said, 'Yes.' It was said, 'He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!" Then I met Isa b. Maryam and Yahya b. Zakariya (John the Baptist), cousins from the maternal side along with few people of their nation. Their hair and cloths were alike and greeted them, and they replied, 'You are welcomed, O brother and a Prophet.' Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said "I saw Jesus who was of average height with red face".
The name of 2nd sky is Qaydum (قیدوم) and its Cobalt Colored.
Then they ascended to the third heaven. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Jabreel said, 'Jabreel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been sent for?' 'Yes,' saidJabriel. 'He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!' (The Prophet (peace be upon him) added). There I met Prophet Yousuf (as) who had been given half of (world) beauty along with few people of his nation and greeted him, and he replied, 'You are welcomed, O brother and a Prophet!'. A hadith states about the beauty of Hazrat Yousuf (as), "His face was shining like the moon of 14th night (like full moon)".
The name of 3rd sky is Marum (ماروم) and its Brass Colored.
Then they ascended to the 4th heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in the previous heavens. There Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met Prophet Idris and greeted him. He said, 'You are welcomed O brother and Prophet.'
The name of 4th sky is Arfalun (أرفلون) and its Silver Colored.
Then they ascended to the 5th heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in previous heavens. There Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met and greeted Prophet Haroon who said, 'You are welcomed O brother and a Prophet". Half beard of Prophet Haroon was white and rest of the half was black. Few people of his nation were sitting around him and Haroon (as) was telling them different incidents.
The name of 5th sky is Hay'oun (هيعون) and its Gold Colored.
Then they ascended to the 6th heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in the previous heavens. There Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met and greeted Prophet Mosa (as) who said, 'You are welcomed O brother and a Prophet.' Pray for my and my ummah's good. Allah's Apostle said, "On the night of my Ascension to Heaven, I saw (the prophet) Moses who was a thin person with lank hair, looking like one of the men of the tribe of Shanua. Then Prophet Mosa (as) addressed the ummah and said "people think that i am superior and close to Allah then Him (prophet Muhammad), but reality is that He is superior and closer to Allah". There was a huge crowd with Prophet Mosa (as), Prophet Muhammad was told that "this is the nation of Hazrat Mosa (as) but look toward that side" and when He looked there He saw a very huge gathering which covered whole skies and then He was told that this is your nation and 70,000 of them are those who will enter paradise without any trial. When He proceeded on, Prophet Mosa (as) started weeping and on being asked why he was weeping, he said, 'O Lord! Followers of this youth who was sent after me will enter Paradise in greater number than my followers.'
In other place it is written like "Sayyidina Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated: When the Prophet (SAW) was taken to the (heavens for the) mi’raj, he passed by a Prophet and Prophets with whom were a group of people, a Propher and Prophets with whom was a raht, a Prophet and Prophets with whom was nobody till he passed by a great multitude. He asked. “Who is this?” He was told, “Musa and his people, but raise your head and see.” He said, “I saw a great multitude that had plugged the horizon from this side barricaded the horizon from that side.” He was told, “These are you ummah and apart from these there are seventy thousand of your ummah who will enter paradise without any accounting.” Then he came (home) and they did not ask him and he did not explain to them. They said (to one another), “We are among them.” And some said, “they are the children born on nature and on Islam.’ The Prophet came out and said, “They are those who do not have themselves cauterised or treated with incantation (charms) , or believe in omens, but on their Lord do they rely. Ukashah ibn Mihsan got up and said, “Am I one of them,O Messenger of , “Yes.” Then another came and asked, “Am I one of them?” He said, “Ukashah overtook you in that.”"
The name of 6th sky is Arous (عروس) and its Green Garnet Colored.
Then they ascended to the seventh sky which is called "Areeb" (At a place it is mentioned as Ajma' (عجماء) too and its White Pearl Colored) and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in the previous heavens. There Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met and greeted Prophet Ibraheem(as) who's hair was mixed black and white, reclining against the Bait-ul-Mamoor which is made of Ateeq (red diamond). He was aged. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also told that Prophet Ibraheem (as) is very much alike Him in appearance and manners. who said, 'You are welcomed o son and a Prophet.'Prophet Ibraheem also said that "O Prophet of Allah! today you are about to meet God. Your nation is the last nation and also the weakest. So if you can get any eases for your nation then do get them."
Sayyidina Ibn Mas’ud i reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: I met Ibrahim on the night of miraj (ascension to the heavens) and he said to me, “0 Muhammad! convey to your ummah salaam from me and inform them that paradise has an excellent soil and sweet water, and is an even plain and its trees are Glorified be Allah and praise be to Allah and there is no God but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) stated that on each sky He saw 2 pillars of yakoot and zabarjad (two precious stones) who were so bright that every thing in the sky was glowing because of their light. And He was told that Allah placed these pillars in each sky the day He(Prophet Muhammad) was born.
Then Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was shown Al-Bait-al-Mamoor (i.e. Allah's House on 7th sky). I asked Jabreel about it and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Mamoor where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).' Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said 2 raqat prayer in Bait ul Mamoor.
Then Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) along with Jabreel (as) raised from 7th skyand was shown Sidra tul Muntaha whose leaves were like elephant ears and its fruit like big earthenware vessels. And then He went closer to that tree as much as Allah allowed, it underwent such a change that none amongst the creation has the power to praise its beauty.
A Hadith is mentioned in Tafseer e NeshaPuri and Tafseer Dur ul Manshoor which says like " Angels prayed that "Oh Allah! For the person you created this universe and to whom you send darood all the time and we (angels) too recite darood on him cause of your order, Today that highly honored person is coming. Oh Allah please grant us the honor of seeing him too"". Allah accepted there prayer and ordered them to gather from all the skies and sit on sidta tul muntaha. All the angels gathered on Sidra tul Muntaha that day to see Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon Him). In Quran this scene is defined as (53:16): "Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded"
Tafseer Dur ul Manshoor (6:116)
He also said that 4 channels are coming out of the roots of Sidra tul Muntaha. 2 going inside paradise and 2 outer ones are river Nail and Farat. He also saw a spring coming out of the roots of Sidra tul Muntaha which further divided into 2 channels, one is called Qosar and other is called the channel of mercy. He took bath in that spring.
After that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered paradise and saw tents made of pearls and its soil of musk. On the door of paradise He saw written "Reward of charity is 10 times more and reward of (giving) loan is 18 times more.While He was walking in Paradise, He saw a river, on the two banks of which there were tents made of hollow pearls and There was a green bird in that river which was so beautiful that He had never seen some thing like that. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked, "What is this, O Jabreel?' He said, 'That is the Kauthar (Qosar), which Your Lord has given to you.' Behold! Its scent or its mud was sharp smelling musk!.
Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon Him) also heard the footsteps of Hazrat Billal (RZ) walking ahead of him in jannah. Prophet asked Billal that "What good deed have you done after accepting Islam that gives you hope of a great reward cause i have heard your footsteps in Heaven?" Hazrat Billal Replied, "I dont know of any deed but ya when ever in day or night i make ablution(Wuzu), i say prayer (Nafal)." (Bukhari o Muslim)
He was also shown hell and he saw people were punished for different sins. He saw a person who's color was so red that it appeared blue. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked Jabreel, "who is he?" Jabreel (as) replied "this is the person who killed the camel of Prophet Salah (as)".
Sayyidina Ibn Masud (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger narrated the account of the night of ascension to heaven and disclosed, “I did not pass by any section of the angels but they instructed me to command my ummah to have themselves cupped.’ He said, “The best cupping you can have is on the 17th, 19th and 21st.” He said also, “The best medicine you treat yourself with is Sa’ut, Ladud, cupping and purgative.”
The Messenger of Allah P.B.U.H said: "On the night in which I was taken on the Night Journey (AI-Isra'), I came to people whose stomachs were like houses, in which there were snakes that could be seen from outside their stomachs. I said: 'Who are these, a Jibrail?' He said: 'They are the ones who consumed usury.''' "He Saw a person whose cheek you saw being torn away (from the mouth to the ear) was a liar and used to tell lies and the people would report those lies on his authority till they spread all over the world. So he will be punished like that till the Day of Resurrection." He also said that "When I was taken up to heaven I passed by people who had nails of copper and were scratching their faces and their breasts. I said: Who are these people, Gabriel? He replied: They are those who were given to back biting and who aspersed people's honor"
It was narrated fron Ubayy bin ka`ab that on the night when he P.BU.H was taken on the Night Journey (Isra'), the Messenger of Allah P.B.U.H noticed a good fragrance and said: "0 Jibra`il, what is this good fragrance?" He said: "This is the fragrance of the grave of the hairdresser and her two sons and her husband." He said: "That began when Khadir, who was one of the nobles of the Children of Israel, used to pass by a monk in his cell. The monk used to meet him and he taught him Islam. When Khadir reached adolescence, his father married him to a woman. He taught her and made her promise not to teach it to anyone. He used not to touch women, so he divorced her, then his father married him to another woman, and he taught her and made her promise not to teach it to anyone. One of them kept the secret but the other disclosed it, so he fled until he came to an island in the sea. Two men came, gathering firewood, and saw him. One of them kept the secret bu t the other disclosed it and said: 'I have seen Khadir.' It was said: 'Who else saw him besides you?' He said:' So andso.' (The other man) was questioned but he kept silent. According to their religion, the liar was to be killed. The woman who had kept the secret got married, and while she was combing the hair of Pharaoh's daughter, she dropped the comb and said: 'May Pharaoh perish!' (The daughter) told her father about that. The woman had sons a husband. (Pharaoh) sent for them, and tried to make the woman and her husband give up their religion, but they refused, He said:`I am going to kill you.` They said: 'It would be an act of kindness on your part, if you kill, to us in one grave. So he did that.'' When the Prophet P.B.U.H was taken on the Night Journey (Isra`), he noticed a good fragrance and asked Jibril about it and he told him."
The 3rd stage of the journey commenced.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) informed us that when the journey beyond Sidra tul Muntaha started, Jabreel (as) stopped at a place. He asked him why he stopped? he replied "If i will go beyond this place even as the distance of an ant, my wings will burn."
Al Yawakeet wal Jawahir (3:34)
According to another saying he said "Now its up to you and your Lord (Allah). This is my limit and i cant go beyond this."
The Prophet of Mercy (peace be upon Him) asked Jabreel (as) that if he needs some thing or have any wish that he wants to ask Allah?Jabreel (as) said "O Muhammad (peace be upon Him)! please ask Allah to grant me the rite to stand on the Sirat Bridge (which is said to be sharp as sword and thin as hair) with my wings open so that your ummah (nation) will cross the bridge safely walking on my wings."
For the next part of journey Allah sent a green throne as the ride of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon Him), which is called "RafRaf". Prophet Muhammad sat on RafRaf and began his journey forward. Jabreel (as) called from behind that "O Muhammad! Allah is praising you. Hear it and do obedience and don't get scared." So Prophet Muhammad praised Allah. Then he reached a place where He heard the voice of pen's writing. That place is called "Sareer Aqlaam".At a place Rafraf stopped too and after that a circle of Noor was brought as the ride of our beloved prophetComing forward from Sidra tul Muntaha, Prophet Muhammad passed through 70,000 curtains of Noor. At that place there was no feeling of even any angel. So Prophet Muhammad felt some depression. That time he heard the voice of Abu Bakr Sadeeq who was saying that "Stop! your Lord is saying prayer".Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that "I was surprised to hear Abu Bakr's voice at that place and was thinking that "Has Abu Bakr reached this place before me?and what is the meaning of Allah is saying prayer? as Allah is beyond any prayer"As he was thinking this and reached the limit of highness. The place where Allah all mighty lives. That place in Quran is mentioned like (53:7): "And he (Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) was on the uppermost horizon (of the realm of creation during the Ascension Night i.e., on the apex of the created cosmos)."
He heard a voice from the edge of uppermost horizon saying "Come closer O best creation. Come closer O Ahmad. Come closer O Ahmad". Then Allah brought me closer. So closer that in Quran it is mentioned as(53:8,9): "Then He (the Lord of Honor) drew closer (to His Beloved Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) and then drew even closer. Then a distance measuring only two bow-lengths was left (between Allah Unveiled and His Esteemed Beloved), or even less than that (in extreme nearness)."
At that place Allah revealed to his beloved Prophet, what ever he wanted to reveal, in Quran it is only mentioned as (53:10): So (on that station of nearness) He (Allah) revealed to His (Beloved) servant whatever He revealed.
And Prophet Muhammad didn't say the details of that conversation either. Only few things about that are known;Allah Said "O Prophet! Peace be upon You and mercy and blessings of Allah"Prophet Muhammad Replied "Peace be upon Me and on righteous people of Allah"
Meeraj Al-Naboowa (3:149)
"Allah appeared to me in a very beautiful form. That moment we heard angels of skies were talking on some matter. Allah said "O Muhammad". I said " Here I am, O Allah, at Your service; here I am at Your service". Allah asked "what angles are talking about?". I said "O Allah! i don't know."So Allah placed his hand between my shoulders and i felt its coolness in my chest. And then every thing was revealed to me." (Jamia Turmadi)
I asked Allah that when i was feeling depressed after raising above from Sidra tul Muntaha, i heard some one speaking in the style of Abu Bakr and he told me to "Stay! Allah is saying prayer". I was surprised on both things that has Abu Bakr reached this place before me and that My Allah is beyond saying prayers. Allah replied "I am beyond saying prayer for any one. I say "Subhani Subhani" (I am pure, I am pure) and "My mercy exceeds my anger". So my prayer is to bless you and your ummah.And O Muhammad! as far as your friend is concern (voice of Abu Bakr), same like as Mosa (as) keep his stick dear to him And when I talked to him, I asked him that O Mosa! what is in your right hand? He replied "its my stick" so His concentration diverted from my great presence to his stick and he started talking about his stick. (Means he became less frightened because of my presence and his thoughts diverted toward stick). Same like that because you like your friend Abu Bakr, So i created an angel same like him who began speaking in his voice so that the depression you felt because of my great presence, will go away hearing your friend's voice".
Allah also said "Ask me any thing you want"Prophet Muhammad said "O Allah! you made Ibraheem (as) Khalil (friend) and granted him a wast kingdom, Talked with Mosa (as), Granted Dawood (as) a huge country, made iron soft in His hands and gave mountains under his obedience, Granted Salman (as) with such kingdom that humans, Jinns and devils were under his command and granted him with such a great kingdom that no one after him can have that kind of kingdom, Gave Isa (as) the knowledge of Toraat and Injeel and gave him the miracle that his touch could cure blinds and amputees, and saved him and his mother from Devil so that devil can not win over them"Allah Said " O Prophet! I made you Khaleel too and also Mehboob(beloved one), So in Toraah "Muhammad Habeeb al Rahman" (Mohammad! the beloved of the one merciful) is mentioned. And I made you Prophet for whole mankind and granted your ummah the honor that it is number one in superiority among all the nations and the last one according to time. And their sermon is not correct unless they don't give the testimony that you are my worshiper and my Messenger. I created you before all other prophets and sent you as the last. And granted you the Surah of 7 verses (Fatiha) and never gave such surah to any prophet. I also made you victorious and finisher".
And Allah asked me that "what is the wish of Jabreel"?I replied "O Allah! you know better"Allah Said " I granted him his wish but its only for those people who loved you and became your friends"
After that Allah made obligatory for me fifty prayers every day and night. And then Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came back with 50 prayers and revolution to Sidra tul muntaha, were Jabreel was waiting for him. Jabreel hold my hand and we came down very quickly. The Prophet descended till he met Moses, and then Moses stopped him and asked, "O Muhammad ! What did your Lord en join upon you?" The Prophet replied," He enjoined upon me to perform fifty prayers in a day and a night." Moses said, "Your followers cannot do that; Go back so that your Lord may reduce it for you and for them." So the Prophet turned to Gabriel as if he wanted to consult him about that issue. Gabriel told him of his opinion, saying, "Yes, if you wish." So Gabriel ascended with him to the Irresistible and said while he was in his place, "O Lord, please lighten our burden as my followers cannot do that." So Allah deducted for him ten prayers where upon he returned to Moses who stopped him again and kept on sending him back to his Lord till the enjoined prayers were reduced to only five prayers. Then Moses stopped him when the prayers had been reduced to five and said, "O Muhammad! By Allah, I tried to persuade my nation, Bani Israel to do less than this, but they could not do it and gave it up. However, your followers are weaker in body, heart, sight and hearing, so return to your Lord so that He may lighten your burden." The Prophet turned towards Gabriel for advice and Gabriel did not disapprove of that. So he ascended with him for the fifth time. The Prophet said, "O Lord, my followers are weak in their bodies, hearts, hearing and constitution, so lighten our burden." On that the Irresistible said, "O Muhammad!" the Prophet replied, "Labbaik and Sa'daik." Allah said, "The Word that comes from Me does not change, so it will be as I enjoined on you in the Mother of the Book." Allah added, "Every good deed will be rewarded as ten times so it is fifty (prayers) in the Mother of the Book (in reward) but you are to perform only five (in practice)." The Prophet returned to Moses who asked, "What have you done?" He said, "He has lightened our burden: He has given us for every good deed a tenfold reward." Moses said, "By Allah! I tried to make Bani Israel observe less than that, but they gave it up. So go back to your Lord that He may lighten your burden further." Allah's Apostle said, "O Moses! By Allah, I feel shy of returning too many times to my Lord." On that Gabriel said, "Descend in Allah's Name."(Bukhari)On another place it is said like "Go back to your Lord and ask to reduce and ease in it because Your followers cannot put up with such obligation.. And i have spend time with Bani Israeel"Prophet Muhammad says that "after hearing this he went back to his Lord and there he prostrated in front of Allah and requested that "Lord of every thing! for my sake make things lighter for my Ummah.""Allah reduced 5 prayers. I came back to Mosa(as) he told him that Allah reduced it to 5 prayers. He sent me back saying "Your followers cannot put up with even such obligation. Go back to your lord and ask to reduce them even more".He then kept going back and forth between His Lord Blessed and Exalted and Mosa (as), until Allah said: There are five prayers every day and night. O Muhammad, each being credited as ten, so that makes fifty prayers. He who intends to do a good deed and does not do it will have a good deed recorded for him; and if he does it, it will be recorded for him as ten; whereas he who intends to do an evil deed and does not do, it will not be recorded for him; and if he does it, only one evil deed will be recorded.Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) then came down and when He came to Mosa (as) and informed him, he said: Go back to thy Lord and ask Him to make things lighter. Upon this the Messenger of Allah remarked: I returned to my Lord until I felt ashamed before Him.[Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 309]
After that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) returned
On the same night, only several hours after he had commenced his journey, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) returned to Makkah.
A hadith is mentioned in Al-Shifa that "I came back in Al Haram Mosque.
On his way back, Prophet Muhammad saw 3 caravans of Qureish coming back toward Makkah. 1st caravan he saw at the place called "Rooha". People of this caravan were searching for their missing camel. Prophet Muhammad was feeling thirsty so when he reached this place he saw a water bowel and he drank water from it. When he was about to continue journey Prophet Muhammad saw the person who was searching for missing camel, coming back. Prophet Muhammad greeted him. Some people in caravan recognized the Prophet's voice and said "it sound's like the voice of Muhammad".
When he reached "Zil Fajja" he saw the 2nd caravan. He saw 2 friends (Prophet told there names to quresh on asking) were riding same camel. When Burraq passed by them, their camel got scared and ran. Both friends fall from it and one of them broke his hand.
He saw 3rd caravan on the place called "Talween". He saw a brown camel in front of it having 2 sacks over it. One with black lines and other with white lines.
This miraculous journey was about to become a weapon against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers by his enemies, and equally it would be an extreme test of faith for the believers. Upon his homecoming, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made his way to Umm Ayman and told her of his miraculous journey. She responded, “O Messenger of God, do not tell anyone about this.” Umm Ayman had perfect faith in Prophet Muhammad and believed his account of the journey, but she was afraid of how others would respond.Prophet Muhammad described Umm Ayman as “my mother after my own mother”. She was the faithful servant of his mother Aminah and remained with Prophet Muhammad through the deaths of his mother and grandfather. Prophet Muhammad and Umm Ayman had always been very close, and at the completion of this wondrous journey, he went to Umm Ayman’s home, perhaps for comfort and ease while he contemplated this miracle, and decided his next move.Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) responded by saying that he would tell the people about the wondrous night. He considered it his responsibility before God to convey the message, no matter the response or consequences; God was responsible for the outcome. He left the house quietly with sombre contemplation, and made his way to the Holy Mosque. He met people along the way, and slowly the news of the night journey spread amongst the people.
5. THE RESPONSEWhile Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was sitting silently in the Mosque, Abu Jahl approached him and asked casually, “O Muhammad is there anything new?” Known as one of the greatest enemies of Islam Abu Jahl was responsible for the torture, punishment, murder and harassment of the new Muslims throughout the early days of Islam. Even though he was aware of the animosity and hatred Abu Jahl felt towards him, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) answered truthfully and said, “This past night I have traveled to Jerusalem and back.”Abu Jahl, being unable to contain his amusement, responded by requesting Muhammad to repeat these words in front of the people of Makkah. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) responded in the affirmative, and Abu Jahl left the Mosque running, calling out to the people as he ran through the streets. When sufficient people had gathered in the Mosque, at Abu Jahl’s request Prophet Muhammad said, for all to hear, “I have been to Jerusalem and back.”
The crowd of people started to laugh, whistle, and clap. They treated it as a big joke and fell against one another laughing. This was the response expected by Abu Jahl and he was thrilled. The disbelievers in the crowd saw a chance to put an end to Islam. They ridiculed and belittled Prophet Muhammad’s claim. Among the crowd were people who had traveled to Jerusalem and they asked Prophet Muhammad to describe what he had seen.
The Prophet of Allah began to describe his journey but he became irritated. He spent only a brief amount of time in Jerusalem, and the miraculous nature of this travels had meant that he did not remember small details and descriptions. However, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) tells us that Allah showed him the details “right in front of his eyes” and he described what he had seen “stone by stone, brick by brick”. The travelers confirmed his descriptions. (Saheeh Bukhari)
When people saw that Prophet Muhammad is telling all the things correctly they changed their questions and began asking about the 3 caravans. Prophet Muhammad told them the detail about every caravan and told them the 3 incidents too. Non believers thought that these are strong signs so lets see if they are true or not when caravans will return. While returning they said "okay tell us when these caravans will reach Makkah?"
Prophet Muhammad replied " 1st caravan will reach on sun rise tomorrow. 2nd will reach when sun will be in the middle (near noon) and 3rd caravan will reach just before sun set".
Hearing the time of arrival of the caravan, 2 groups of people of Makkah went to high mountains and began waiting for sun rise. One group was of non believers who wanted to see Prophet Muhammad's saying going wrong. and other group was of Muslims who were sure that what ever their Prophet told will come true.
Muslims were looking for caravan while non believers were looking for sun. The moment sun showed its light a non believer said in the loud voice "By god sun raised". And he wasn't even finish and Muslims said in even louder voice "see there, caravan is arrived". Seeing this non believers said "we don't believe this. Its Magic"
Same thing happen with 2nd caravan.
3rd caravan how ever came little late. Sun was about to set and there was no sigh of caravan. Non believers were happy that they can prove Prophet Muhammad's words wrong here. So Allah stopped the sun there. Sun stayed on the edge of skies till the 3rd caravan returned. When non believers had no answer of this miracle they said "we don't believe this. Its clear magic".
(Al-Shafa 1:284)
(Huja tul Alal Aalameen 298)
The people of Makkah also dispatched some one to meet the caravans before they entered the city to ask questions about the previous night. All 3 caravans confirmed the words of Prophet Muhammad. But non believers just didn't accepted.
The Sweetness of Faith To those whose faith was strong and true, the Power of Allah was obvious. Abo Jahal who found the whole story difficult to believe went to see Abu Bakr, the best friend and loyal supporter of Prophet Mohammad. He asked him if he believed Prophet Muhammad traveled overnight to Jerusalem, and back to Makkah. Without hesitation Abu Bakr replied, “If the messenger of Allah said so, then it is true”. It was because of this occasion that Abu Bakr earned the title As-Siddeeq (the foremost believer).
This was a turning point for many Muslims; after already facing the physical torture and abuse of the disbelievers, they now had to grapple with a concept beyond their wildest imaginings. Some failed, but many soared to new heights and were able to taste the sweetness of true submission to the Oneness of Allah.
The journey by night, from the Holy Mosque in Makkah to the furthest Mosque in Jerusalem, and the ascension through the heavens and into the presence of Almighty Allah was a miracle granted by Allah to His final slave and Prophet, Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, and one of the greatest of honors bestowed upon any human.
Al Yawakeet wal Jawahir
Rooh al Maani
Tafseer Al-Baghvi
Seerat e Halbia
Seerat e Rasool
Meeraj Al-NaboowaAl Shifa (qazi Ayyaz)Huja tul Alal Aalameen
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