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Most common 100 word in English

All these words carry multiple meanings, and they can say quite different things to different readers. For that reason, Richards' list could just as well have been labeled "The 100 Most Ambiguous Words:" 

Here, at last, are those 100 important words:

 1. Amount
2. Argument
3. Art
4. Be
5. Beautiful
6. Belief
7. Cause
 8. Certain
9. Chance
10. Change
11. Clear
 12. Common
13. Comparison
14. Condition
15. Connection
16. Copy
17. Decision
18. Degree
 19. Desire
20. Development
21. Different
22. Do
23. Education
 24. End
25. Event
26. Examples
27. Existence
28. Experience
29. Fact
30. Fear
31. Feeling
32. Fiction
33. Force
34. Form
35. Free
1. General
2. Get
3. Give
4. Good
 5. Government
 6. Happy
7. Have
8. History
 9. Idea
10. Important
 11. Interest
12. Knowledge
 13. Law
14. Let
 15. Level
16. Living
 17. Love
 18. Make
 19. Material
 20. Measure
21. Mind
22. Motion
 23. Name
 24. Nation
25. Natural
26. Necessary
 27. Normal
28. Number
29. Observation
30. Opposite
31. Order
32. Organization
33. Part
34. Place
35. Pleasure
36. Possible
 37. Power
 38. Probable
 39. Property
40. Purpose
41. Quality
42. Question
 43. Reason
44. Relation
 45. Representative
 46. Respect
1. Responsible
 2. Right
3. Same
4. Say
5. Science
6. See
7. Seem
8. Sense
 9. Sign
10. Simple
11. Society
 12. Sort
13. Special
14. Substance
15. Thing
16. Thought
17. True
18. Use
19. Way
20. Wise
21. Word
22. Work 

                                Md. Nasir Uddin Gazi                                                                                                                                 BA(honrs) Dept. of English Literature at CVC                                                                                         Email:nasiruddin661995@gmail.com

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